A Look Ahead at 2024

With a new year come new possibilities for great gaming experiences ahead! We pull back the curtain on some of our most anticipated adventures in 2024, from Broken Sword to Blade Runner to Indiana Jones. Bonus top five: Games we looked forward to that never came to be... Read more
The Best (and Not So Best) Adventures of 2023

With the year done, we cast a final look back at our personal adventure game highlights, biggest news and even some disappointments from the past twelve months. Bonus top five: our top TV shows and movies from last year... Read more
Gone But Not Forgotten Games

So many adventures have come and gone, all but lost to time. Adventure Game Hotspot writer Drew Onia makes his first appearance on the show, joining Jack and Joshua as they take a look back at some of those games that deserve better than to be consigned to the scrapheap of history. Bonus top five: Current games that aren't getting enough buzz and risk becoming the forgotten games of tomorrow... Read more
Lights, Camera, Action-Adventures!

Joshua and Jack are joined by guest Dave McIntyre in delving into the most prominent story-driven, puzzle-filled adventures with one foot squarely in the action arena, headlined by Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider and Uncharted... Read more
The Art of Storytelling in Games

Joshua, Jack and staff writer Johnny Nys unpack interactive narratives, tackling themes like what makes a good game story, how to integrate puzzles, the benefits and drawbacks of player choice and multiple endings, the difficult balance between showing and telling, yea or nay on episodic gaming, and so much more. Bonus related top five: adventures we'd like to see turned into novels... Read more
Guilty Gaming Pleasures with Pushing Up Roses

Pushing Up Roses joins Joshua and co-host Matt Aukamp to discuss her rise to fame on YouTube, and the group explores their guilty gaming pleasures and the top five most ridiculous things ever put in their adventuring trousers... Read more
A Cup of Coffee with DecafJedi Jess Morrissette

Twitch streamer and retro games enthusiast Jess Morrissette (aka DecafJedi) of Roger Wilco's Virtual Broomcloset fame joins us to talk all-things Sierra, Space Quest, and much more pixelated adventuring fun... Read more
Unearthing The Crimson Diamond with Julia Minamata

Solo Canadian developer Julia Minamata joins us to talk about her upcoming adventure game, a gorgeous pixel art love letter to Laura Bow and other classic Sierra text parser games. Bonus top fives: most memorable Sierra deaths... Read more
The (Half) Year That Was

With 2023 passing the halfway point, Joshua, Jack and guest co-host Pascal look back on the highlights and disappointments of the first six months, with a final top five look ahead at the best still to come... Read more
A Leisurely Chat with Al Lowe

The legendary but happily retired former writer/designer/programmer/musician – and ... forklift driver? – drops by for a fun-filled chat about Sierra, Leisure Suit Larry, exploring the Disney archives, music, comedy and much more... Read more
Now Recording with Two Guys Records

The Space Quest Historian and Jon Paul Sapsford drop by to spin a tale of vinyl releases of retro game soundtracks, including their current Kickstarter for music from The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour... Read more
A Podcast Page-Turner with Revolution's Tony Warriner

Studio co-founder Tony Warriner joins us for a deep dive into a distinguished decades-long career spanning classics like Broken Sword to Beneath a Steel Sky, culminating in his recent book, Revolution: The Quest for Game Development Greatness. Bonus top five: favourite Revolution game moments... Read more
Delving deep into Stasis: Bone Totem with the Brotherhood

Brothers Nic and Chris Bischoff drop by to discuss life in South Africa and everything you always wanted to know about their highly anticipated new adventure due out this month. Bonus top five: Favourite isometric games... Read more