The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast goes rogue, copping a nostalgic look a two beloved Sierra adventures

The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast – and by that we mean Anna Vigue and Paul Korman – are big Sierra fans. Unabashed Sierra fans. Uber fans, mega fans, whatever-you-want-to-call-it fans. They could talk Sierra games for hours. In fact, this month they DID, so be sure to check out their most recent fun-filled, nostalgia-steeped, and occasionally even informative shows. As always, we'll let Paul (who, when he's not podcasting is busy making his own adventure game The Phantom Fellows) describe them because he's too hard to translate into normalspeak.
"In Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood, Anna and I are joined by friend and special guest Matt, aka OneShortEye, to bring you what we can confidently call complete* coverage of the 1992 point-and-click adventure, Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood. Or just COTL. Or even COTLB, but really longbow is one word... LOOK, that's not important; what's important is that you... I don't know, I guess drink more water than you prolly are, and then enjoy this episode because OneShortEye absolutely brings it. For real, it was a lot of fun. MANGIA!"
*May not be complete. Must be 18 years or older or get a parent to listen.

"In our Sierra Remake Comparison I: Police Quest, Anna and I look back at all the Police Quest 1s. Well, both Police Quest 1s. The two different 1s. See, there’s Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel, and then there’s Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel, again, for the first time. They’re both actually quite different and it’s not even – it’s not subtle. Oh yeah, did I mention this is the first in a li'l mini series of comparing Sierra SCI/VGA remakes to their original counterparts? Cos it is. We’re eventually gonna cover the other four remakes, you’ll see. YOU’LL ALL SEE! Okay, go, enjoy the episode. Mangia!"

The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast is part of the Adventure Game Hotspot Network, a collective of talented, dedicated content producers who work entirely independently but have joined forces to promote each other’s efforts.

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